Jeff Howlett on his JH-906

How does it sound? Perfect, I think. I wanted a true archtop that would sound good as an acoustic or an electric. The X-bracing makes it less bright and percussive than the Bill West model, more warm and resonant but still with a very articulate bass. Amplified, it very much retains its acoustic character, plus you can roll off the tone and cop a Wes sound if you like. I’m really impressed with the unplugged sound. It’s not a cannon like the flat-tops Roger builds, but it is the equal of any large-bodied archtop that I’ve played. Small body, big sound.
By the way, it was a pleasure dealing with Roger Bacorn on this build. He consulted me on every step of the process. He has a comprehensive knowledge of the history of American guitar-building, yet seems really excited about trying new designs. I recommend him highly if you have a custom project you want done.

Jeff Howlett

Learn more about the JH-906 Archtop

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